We seek to make an enduring contribution to society by supporting innovative end-of-life care public education and culture change efforts designed with the everyday American in mind. We want to help make discussions about medical care decisions more accessible and welcoming for people from all walks of life. We are particularly interested in projects that reach communities of color and we value creative approaches that connect to people in their everyday lives.  
We receive applications by invitation only and do not accept unsolicited proposals.

Our Partnerships
The John and Wauna Harman Foundation has partnered with a number of organizations that help Americans of all backgrounds be better prepared for the decisions faced at end-of-life. Our past and/or current grantees include:

Alameda County Care Alliance
Center for Practical Bioethics Advance Care Planning Programs
Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC)
Coalition for Compassionate Care of California
Coastal Hospice
Conversation Project
Duke Divinity School Advance Care Planning Through Faith
End Well
FRONTLINE/WGBH Public Television
Harman Senior Center
Hospice Foundation of America
Humane Prison Hospice Project
Montgomery Hospice/Heart Tones collaboration
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Project Talk
PREPARE for Your Care
Reel Medicine Media
Reimagine End of Life
Wake Up to Dying

In addition, we value collaboration with other funders as a way to increase the effectiveness of our support.